Dr. Christy is out of the office with return on Monday 3/17. If you have an urgent matter, she asks that you Spruce her @ 540-712-6097 instead of leaving a message on this portal.
Do NOT call the office AND also leave us a portal message.
Doing BOTH is redundant, confusing, & slows care for everyone.
For functional medicine patients (Dr. Michael) only:
Three or more messages per week is an over-utilization of this portal & a likely indication that you need an appointment. When message limits are reached, the system will pause the messaging feature temporarily for up to 1 week.
We reserve the right to bill for time spent in reviewing and responding to messages when the 3-message limit has been reached.
Please Log In
Use the form below to sign in to the patient portal to begin managing your records. If you have not logged in before and are a patient who did not sign up online, then you must sign up for an account next time you are in the office.